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none. i would want 2 direct anil kapoor and madhuri! lol.
Posted 24 Sep 2003


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lol. don't try and confuse us yaar. lol.

oh....and its T MINUS 2 DAYS UNTIL LARKI PUNJABAN RELEASES IN THE UK/US/PAKISTAN/UAE!!! (sept 26th 2003) can u feel the excitement?! lol.
Posted 24 Sep 2003


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none taken sweetie!

u don't have 2 think she's pretty. lol. but u got 2 admit..she's not ugly either?! right?!

and u should watch her drama 'saas bhi ek maa hai'!!
Posted 24 Sep 2003


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and i love how paki lion and the '99.99999%' of the people on this board who share his 'i hate saima' view, CONTINUE 2 bring her up in EVERY post. lol. keep it up. u KNOW i'll never get tired of it!! lol.
Posted 24 Sep 2003


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lol. yeah paki lion, thank the heavens he didn't pick saima or reema. god forbid, he actually wants good acting in the movie. lol.
Posted 24 Sep 2003


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one of my favorites (veena)!

thanks scotchtape.
Posted 24 Sep 2003


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sure, sure! lol. teek hai yaar. urraee jao mazaak becharee ka! mujhe kiya?! lol.

oh...and peeps, make sure you watch sunday ke sunday (this coming sunday) if u can! saima's the special guest!!

...someone's finally opening up 2 the media eh?! lol. its about time!

all i know is, whenever saima talks (in the rare event that she does), people listen. this won't be any different!

Posted 24 Sep 2003

Topic: Movie: Remand


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i agree ydakh!

saima should be good for LP. i think her best work tho, was in 'daku rani' and 'chooriyan.' great acting. i'll watch 'ghoghat' based on your reccomendation!

i 2 can't wait for this new equipment! should be a step in the right direction. lets wait and see...

as 4 shaan, i don't know why he keeps signing so many movies. lol. he has SO much talent, but he wastes it on stupid roles. he's still an OUTSTANDING actor tho. i'll continue 2 watch his movies, hit or flop! he pakistan's best hero in my opinion.

however ydakh jee, i disagree with you on reema! i understand what you're saying, lekin, i still think she's a good actress. her and saima are great in my opinion. 4get about looks and dancing and so on. if you see their movies in which they are the main lead and have a legitimate role...they do an outstanding acting job (example: saima - chooriyan, mendhi wale hath, daku rani etc. reema - nikki jaee haan etc. all these movies have no vulger scenes, and they are clean. they are based on pure talent of reema/saima!) anyhow, only one minor disagreement between us! no big deal! lol.

oh....and i agree 100% abt resham. lol. she's a good actress, but she over does it sometimes. lol.

Posted 24 Sep 2003


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i heard on sunday ke sunday, that sadia imam is the main heroine in this movie.

i hope its ANYONE but sana. i dont like her 2 much. she's okay, but there are MUCH better actresses out there.
Posted 24 Sep 2003


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yaar i'm not 100% sure which dramas ptv world shows. but i do know that my favorite drama is 'SAAS BHI EK MAA HAI.' if u get it! u won't be sorry!
Posted 23 Sep 2003

Topic: Movie: Remand


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paki lion yaar, kiya ho gaya hai?! 4 movies are being said to help out lollywood: laaj (which is apparently AVERAGE), salakhein, phela phela pyar and LARKI PUNJABAN!!! do u know whose in larki punjaban, which is going to be the FIRST PAKISTANI MOVIE SIMULTANEOUSLY RELEASED WORLDWIDE?!?!?! the same movie which is using up2date camera's and equipment?!?! the same movie which is DTS, shot overseas, and editited in bankgkok by the same people who edited SPIDERMAN OF HOLLYWOOD?!?!?!!!!!!!! ITS SAIMA!!!!!!! so i don't know what you're talking about when you say these directors don't use good equipment or are not highly qualified. SAYED NOOR - hands down the best director pakistan has. and don't say javaid sheik is better...he only has ONE MOVIE under his belt!

so common yaar. these people are not stupid. what are you trying to say?!?! 4get talent, just get young people??? thats crazy. if u want young goodlooking people, go 2 a modelling agency or a fashion show. if you want to see good saima and reema in movies. old, yes. but unable to act?? HELL NO.

and reema, no problem! i owe you! lol. and u make a great point. if people want fresh faces, explain PHPM and the fact that it was a FLOP. and yeah.....where are these new faces!?!? lol. if they're so goodlooking, nobody can stop them. not saima, not reema, not anyone. so where are they?!?! lol. these people are just using the seniors as exuses. they say saima, reema are taking away their roles. DAMN RIGHT THEY ARE! cause THEY'RE BETTER!!!!!
Posted 23 Sep 2003


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aahh 'gul sun dholna'...a classic! her trademark song!

who do u think is her direct competition!? i think fariha pervaiz and shabnum majeed give her a run for her money. mere khyal mein shabnum majeed beats both of them singing wize (talent). lekin humaira is still my favorite! lol.

Posted 23 Sep 2003


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u won't get an argument here. totally agree.

next up.....chooriyan (movie). lol. common man, i know u could do it! u name an indian movie and i'll watch 2. we'll compare reactions, afterwards. lol.
Posted 23 Sep 2003


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lol. phir vohi baat ayeshakhan_fanatic?! you're encouraging the anti-saima jokes! lol. stop yaar! u give tracker sahib more shey! lol.
Posted 23 Sep 2003


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wats up with zara sheikh not showing up at the premier for laaj?! lol. i think someone's a little embarrased with their product. lol. (j/k). altho if this is the case she should not be. judging by the trailors, she did a decent job. then y not show up 2 the permier and help promote?! lol.
Posted 23 Sep 2003


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lol. so its set jinaab. aap ke liya bhi ek buy karain, teen sahib?! lol.

jani420 jee, which humaira song is your favorite?! just curious. my personal favorite is 'vas ve dhola, tu akhiyaan de kol'.....
Posted 23 Sep 2003


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yahan bhi late aatee hain, albums! lekin jisko bhi phelay milgaee, vo 2 buy karay ga. lol. (j/k) deal?!
Posted 23 Sep 2003

Topic: Movie: Remand


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u still havent answered my question paki lion. lol. if saima's so fat and reema's so old, then why do they continue 2 land roles???!!! OBVIOUSLY they're among the best. veena malik said on sunday ke sunday that actresses should improve on their skills. she used saima as an example. whereas these new actresses GIVE money to get roles, saima TAKES money (6 lack per movie 2 be exact)and lands role after role, thanks 2 her TALENT. please explain....!!!

aur ydakh...mein to heraan houn, ke aap reema ke baray mein aisay baat kar rehe ho?! lol. she's alright jinaab! she just wants respect from her juniors, and rightfully so. she's one of FEW who walk the walk and talk the talk. she might be cocky but she can back it up.
Posted 23 Sep 2003


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Canada, Canada i'm sorry for having called you a female, when apparently, you're not. my bad. but the name.....ah nevermind. lol. once again, sorry.

secondly i'm glad you get ptv. but i'm not sure if i can belive you. cause if this is true, you would know that pakistani drama's do not suck, as you said earlier. they're outstanding.
Posted 22 Sep 2003


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first things first rick-meister, i for one DO read your long posts. lol.

secondly, i'm glad pakistani drama's are 2 for 2 now, in your books. no doubt, each drama has its respective flaw in all categories, but as you said the story and the acting is what's most important. production values make it that much better, but my philosphy is, as long as the acting is stong and the story is compelling, its all good. this is TRUE ART in its purest form. production values are icing on the cake.

that being said, your second point is also correct. people in india have been spoiled, and rightfull so, with up2date technology espeically in the entertainment field. if u have it - flaunt it, no?!so they might not pick up on pakistani dramas. but once again, none of us can be sure of this. 'joe blow' in india might very well appreciate them just as much as you do. who knows?! generally tho, on the surface, you're right. the variety of choices indians have makes it difficult to revert to old time art. nothing wrong here.

however i will say yet again, you should watch CURRENT DAY pakistani dramas!!! i'm telling you, production values in these are 110% BETTER than in the dramas you have seen. i would go so far as to say, some of them, are even better than indian dramas (production wise). so if these are available in india...they'd be equally watched, i think. give one a try. 'landa bazaar', 'mehndi' are just 2 that come 2 mind that fit the above mentioned characteristics.

Posted 22 Sep 2003


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i'm touched!

you're welcome teen sahib, and thank YOU for all the discussions! what would we do without saima. lol. (j/k)
very few are as entertaining as teen sahib! his comments are second 2 none!
Posted 22 Sep 2003


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lol. yaar teen bhai, if jani420 wants me 2 get him a copy as well, its my duty as a fellow humaira fan! lol. i'm sure he'd do the same 4 me!
Posted 22 Sep 2003

Topic: Movie: Remand


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lol. i agree with reema. altho i think saima's a better actress and i prefer her, reems is indeed the total package. she looks good, dances good, acts good, and soon she'll even direct good! so both are a great choice for 'remand.'
Posted 22 Sep 2003

Topic: milaan 2003


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lol. just be sure u dont hurt urself, so u're ok when april/may rolls around cause we might get super music masti!
Posted 21 Sep 2003


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lol. will do!
Posted 21 Sep 2003

Topic: Movie: Remand


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lol. paki lion, i just appreciate saima. she's a good actress. so 2 is reema. and besides.....explain something 2 me: if she's THAT old or THAT bad, then why do people continue 2 sign her??!!? i'll tell u y.....she's a good actress.

i don't work in lollywood - i'm just a fan. i don't sign these actors/actresses, the producers/directors do. and they CONTINUE to sign saima!! please explain...!!
Posted 21 Sep 2003

Topic: milaan 2003


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what a freaking starcast?!!!! wow! whoever attends is LUCKY.
Posted 21 Sep 2003


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wicked! can't wait till april/may!
Posted 21 Sep 2003


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lol. i'm glad the weed helped and didn't clog your better judgement. lol. ' makes u part of the action.' LOL.

i'm sayin' tho....try the newer drama's! if u get PTV on dishnetwork, watch 'saas bhi ek maa hai' on wednesday nights at 8. veena malik was my reason 4 watching, but the story kicked ass and now i'm hooked. lol. and the production values are much more improved. so what u got lined up next?!

i love how you're promoting 'dhoop kinare' now. lol. i gotta see this.

and i also love how you chased poor 'rajesh' (naya murga) outta JB. LOL. poor guy read that you'd make fun of him, and bolted. LOL. hahahahaha!
Posted 21 Sep 2003

Topic: Movie: Remand


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i agree with t.o. abt the pakistani idol thing. lol. i also agree with ffm and ydakh, that unfortunately, this movie won't be able 2 compete with LP, Salakhein and so on. but i DISAGREE with paki lion. saima are reema may be old, but neither is ugly. and you can NEVER go wrong with experience - something both of them have, not 2 mention a proven track record. but i will agree....change is needed in technology and faces...talented ones. thats not 2 say that saima/reema were a bad choice for 'remand.'
Posted 21 Sep 2003